Valiant Acts Leading to Understanding and Empowerment of Self
“Values, when honored, are just valiant acts leading to understanding and empowerment of self. It takes a decent amount of courage to honor ourselves by refusing to devalue what we value – especially if it is not popular – and it is really about action.” -- Edith A. Majors, MS, MAIS, LPC, NCC Co-Founder, Total Win Strategies, LLC
“Values refer to the intrinsic importance that is created when we place worth on any person, place, thing, or thought that is an active and known part of our lives. Values, which are unique to us, should be taken into account when making decisions, considered with respect to importance, and serve as a guide to how we should live our lives daily.” Values lend to the process of self-actualization when we take exploring ourselves deeply seriously.
Self-actualization is a concept regarding the process by which we, individually, reach our full potential. In other words, it is the result of becoming everything God has ordained us to be -- His best version of us. Many of us may not feel as though we have reached our full potential, because many of us have not. This may be because we do not know where or how to start. Personally, for me, it was connecting with God. Today, I work to understand who and how God has designed me to be, trusting that my Maker knows best. When I am broken down, I look to Him. Just as a driver of Rolls Royse may trust their finely designed vehicle to the maker or a certified agent because of their intimate and specialized knowledge of the innermost workings of a high-quality machine.
We must first place value on who we are currently. Yes, we need to embrace and own our raw unfiltered “mess.“ In the words of one of my favorite psychologists, Dr. Phil McGraw, “You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge.” If we cannot love and embrace who we are today, we will find it difficult to evolve. Take heed, self-actualizing has nothing to do with perfection and it is defined by the individual himself/herself – by someone else. This is a process and how linear that process is or how long it takes, again, is dependent upon and designed by the individual. It is imperative that we not only value ourselves but also know what we value.
· Being able to identify, articulate, and defend our beliefs – our value systems – drive emotions, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and signify practices that strongly influence how we behave.
· Being authentic and not trying to design ourselves to be someone else is key. Have your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and joys, been defined and identified by you?
Being able to identify the very things that make you YOU are key. What makes you YOU and me ME? Does someone need to ask you what your values are OR can your values be easily surmised because you are living them out loud? If you do not know the answer to those questions, are you sure you know what your values are?
At Total Win Strategies, we believe and teach that values are valiant acts leading to understanding and empowerment of self (can you see the “values” in the preceding statement?) Identifying your values and your value statement is a highly prized activity that is part of our Exploring Deeply discipline. Allow us to help identify, revise, review, and/or confirm your values with a simple but very effective activity. Please click here for this free and profound tool. It can help keep you on your trajectory to Living Limitlessly.
Our mission at Total Win Strategies, LLC is to offer pragmatic solutions to overcome obstacles that have held you back. By implementing our 4 Disciplines for Actualization, we help you heal, explore, realize, and execute your God-given purpose with tools tailored and structured specifically for you and to your destination of LIVING LIMITLESSLY on purpose with passion to leave a legacy.
Through courageous self-discovery, you will meet with a team of professionals to help you identify who you truly are, relinquish the false identity you have inappropriately acquired, and create your road map that leads to living limitlessly by progressing through the six key steps of the Exploring Deeply Principle: Values, Interests/Passions, Temperament, Around-the-Clock(biorhythms), Life Purposes/Goals, and Strengths/Skills.