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Exploring Deeply: VIBES

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm, 139:14, NIV

“Personal discovery is about evaluating, discovering, learning what you have in you, what you really can do.” Brian A. Holmes, Founder of Strategic Living Institute

Personal Discovery is the second cornerstone in the 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living. This book written by Brian A. Holmes has been a Godsend, as well as the author himself, in helping us organize, conceptualize, and articulate what we teach. His simple definition of personal discovery helped validate our discipline of Exploring Deeply. “Personal discovery is about evaluating, discovering, learning what you have in you, what you really can do” (Holmes). When we think of personal discovery, we may think of our purpose in life and our identity. Some of us may have it all figured out and there are many who may not fully know what it is that they are designed to be and/or do.

Life tends to consume us. We get lost amid so many different roles and duties. Roles and duties in our work, as a spouse, parent, friend, or whatever else may take most of our time. It seems that it never fails, as we get so emersed in so many responsibilities that we may get comfortable. Thinking that we have it all figured out. Then we may begin to lose ourselves, our identity, and our purpose. Or we realize that we have taken ownership of ideals, goals, beliefs, obligations, or even identities and purposes that were never ours or were not assigned to us by us or by God. Transitions also may cause us to either refine or redefine who we are to assimilate into a new life stage. These transformations of self should begin with taking an inventory of who we are, our resources, our desires, and the lessons we have learned. At Total Win Strategies, we can help you purge the pieces of self that you have collected but are not authentically you; put in place and polish your authentic you and then protect that person. This is encompassed in our five (5) key-step process of “Exploring Deeply” – VIBES. VIBES is an acronym that represents an area that we consider important when working on solidifying your true self and is described and defined here and all lend to the process of self-actualization when we take self-exploration seriously.

The first area is Values. “Values refer to the intrinsic importance that is created when we place worth on any person, place, thing, or thought that is an active and known part of our lives. Values, which are unique to us, should be taken into account when making decisions, considered with respect to importance, and serve as a guide to how we should live our lives daily.” Identity is the result of digging deep spiritually, cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. It is who we are in a nutshell. Not what people presume, encourage, or try to influence us to be, but our self-determined beliefs, actions, words, and behaviors that are internally and externally in alignment no matter what we are doing or with whom we are doing it. It is steadfast and only changeable by us.

Most do not consider the Body as instrumental in honoring our authenticity. For example, right now my life is very busy, and I have often tried to do my most detailed and complicated work at night – but it always felt like a struggle. What I always knew, but now accept, is that I am an early bird. I do my best work in the wee hours of the morning and my best sleeping at night. I have learned to make accommodations to honor this while minimalizing internal conflict and feelings of guilt, shame, and negative self-comparison to others.

The next area is a combination of Emotions and Experiences. These are the things that can greatly be affected by external factors outside of our control and shape our view of ourselves, others, and even the world – positively and negatively. The work done here is not to ignore how we have been influenced but ensure that our perceptions and perspectives are logical, flexible, and controlled by us.

The last area is Strongholds. It can be defined as the result of all the aforementioned areas combined. We believe it is more accurate to define it as, “negative, harmful, or untrue self-beliefs that are fortified by thoughts and actions, and though difficult, are meant to be identified and eradicated – from the root.”

VIBES make up who we are; however, oftentimes ills of others, negative experiences, or our own mind may cause us to think less of ourselves. Total Win Strategies believe that it is our God-given mission to help you know that no matter your plight or place in life, you are “fearfully and wonderfully made, that God’s works are wonderful and that YOU know that.” (Adaptation of Psalm 139:14, NIV).

Our mission at Total Win Strategies, LLC is to offer pragmatic solutions to overcome obstacles that have held you back. By implementing our 4 Disciplines for Actualization, we help you heal, explore, realize, and execute your God-given purpose with tools tailored and structured specifically for you and to your destination of LIVING LIMITLESSLY on purpose with passion to leave a legacy.   ​

Through courageous self-discovery, you will meet with a team of professionals to help you identify who you truly are, relinquish the false identity you have inappropriately acquired, and create your road map that leads to living limitlessly by progressing through the five key steps of the Exploring Deeply Principle: Value, Identity, Body, Emotions and Experiences, and Strongholds.

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