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Identifying Core V.A.L.U.E.S.™

Values Activity

Step 1. Choose Your Words

Below, please find a list of words often associated with V.A.L.U.E.S.™. Of this list choose those V.A.L.U.E.S.™ that resonate with you. Quickly go over the list and those words that “appear” to stand out or quickly capture your attention are please highlight, star, or simply circle them. Do not overthink it. You may choose as many words as you would like. Feel free to use a dictionary – after you have made your selection(s) – should you need clarification.

Word Bank

Step 2. Group Your Words

Now that you have chosen the words that appeal to you, begin to put them into groups. Groupings should be based on the similarities you decide with any number of groups. Please see the example below.

Example: Word Group(s)

Step 3. Label Your Groups

Now that you have chosen the words that appeal to you, begin to put them in groups. Groupings should be based on whatever similarities you decide. Should you have more than five (5) groups, please decide on the five (5) that are most important to you, at this time. Please see the example below.

Example: Group Label(s)

Step 4. Create Action Phrases

Create actionable core values by adding a verb/verb phrase to each category label.

Please see the example below.

~ Live in peace.

~ Act with love.

~ Create abundance.

~ Be in balance.

Example: Action Phrase(s)

Step 5. Create Your V.A.L.U.E. Statement

Turn your actionable phrases into complete sentences giving meaning to each individual statement. Next, create reminders. For example, design a decorative and framed piece, or write them daily in your planner or on strategically placed post-it notes. Finally, prioritize and combine the sentences into a complete V.A.L.U.E. statement that may also be a personalized affirmation.

Please see the example below.

~ Live in peace: I live in peace powered by having the mind of Christ by His faithfulness and joy, through perseverance and selflessness.

~ Act with love: I act with dedicated love and passion that is successfully building

a legacy for my family that will inspire and teach them and future

generations to do the same.

~ Create abundance: I create abundance by preparing for and being committed to excellence and innovation to build wealth through the

Power of the Holy Spirit to be benevolent and inspire others

to do the same.

~ Be in balance: I live in balance because God comes first and I gratefully protect

the uniqueness that He has granted me, directing me to value i

intelligence and growth which equips, demands, and allows me

to be successful, benevolent, and useful.

I am a work in progress and an example of what God can do when we trust and allow Him to have His way in our lives. Every day I purpose to honor God. It empowers me to live in peace, to have the mind of Christ by way of His example of faithfulness and joy, through perseverance and selflessness. I act with love, dedication, and passion that is successfully building a legacy. I create abundance by preparing for and being committed to excellence and innovation to build wealth through the Power of the Holy Spirit to be benevolent. I live in balance because God comes first and I gratefully protect the uniqueness that He has granted me, directing me to value intelligence and growth which equips, demands, and allows me to be successful, benevolent, and useful. In doing so, I aim to teach and inspire family and others to do the same and fulfill my ultimate purpose of glorifying God.

This exercise serves as a fundamental and easy reference guide for making decisions and determining actions to begin to realize intently and execute intentionally to live limitlessly. It also reduces or eliminates cognitive dissonance – the mental discomfort that can occur when our beliefs and behaviors are not in alignment.

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