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Exploring Deeply

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10, ESV

“The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.” –Myles Munroe

I believe that truly knowing yourself through exploring yourself deeply, is the greatest gift that anyone can give themselves. It allows you to know not only who you are but how and why you are. It is a requirement of self-actualization, which according to Abraham Maslow (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need), is the highest point of the human pyramid of needs. In psychological terms, actualization is how a person achieves his or her full potential. However, how can this level be completed if there is little understanding of the very person that is to be discovered? It would be like planning a trip without a specific destination. How would one know when they have arrived? In my professional research and life experiences, I have learned the following: self-actualization is the destination and self-discovery is the never-ending process to make sure we get there. We need to know how to plan for the trip.

Deep exploration of self is a fundamental part of personal growth. Since we are all different in the way we think, feel, act, learn and perceive the world, it is beneficial to take time to look inward. Exploration is a way for us to discover our personalities, natural preferences, values, beliefs, preferred styles, and tendencies. The ultimate destination of this journey is finding out who we are and what makes us -us. It is often helpful and less daunting to have a guide. The guide can serve to provide insight, walk you through terrifying terrain, and draw attention to marvelous treasures that can be overlooked due to familiarity, complacency, and just accepting what has always been. Is it time to pack your bags and begin to explore and discover your authentic self?

Our mission at Total Win Strategies, LLC is to offer pragmatic solutions to overcome obstacles that have held you back. By implementing our 4 Disciplines for Actualization, we help you heal, explore, realize, and execute your God-given purpose with tools tailored and structured specifically for you and to your destination of LIVING LIMITLESSLY on purpose with passion to leave a legacy.   ​

Through courageous self-discovery, you will meet with a team of professionals to help you identify who you truly are, relinquish the false identity you have inappropriately acquired, and create your road map that leads to living limitlessly by progressing through VIBES, the five key steps of the Exploring Deeply Principle: Values, Identity, Body, Emotions and Experiences, and Strongholds.

References used in this article:

Holy Bible, English Standard Version

Psychology Today Article Archive

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