"The ultimate end of human life is to become everything you are capable of becoming."
~ Abraham Maslow
“Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”
~ Zig Ziglar
Just as Mr. Ziglar states, I believe we are all endowed with the seeds of greatness and have a specific role to fulfill in this physical dimension we know as reality. I trust wholeheartedly that our true purpose in life is to discover why we are here and fulfill every measure of our God-given potential to accomplish that why. We talk about discovering who we are in a different article but here we will focus on the importance of planning to develop ourselves such that we are able to realize the fullness of our potential.
First, let us align our mindsets. I propose that you think of self-development as the vehicle that empowers us to accomplish each milestone or goal along our Roadmap in fulfilling our purpose and potential. While we are not promised tomorrow but we must assume a long-life perspective and embrace the notion that life is a marathon and not a sprint. One of the first steps in realizing our full potential is planning.
The big picture. Fundamentally, planning always starts with the end in mind. You can check out the article on Long Term Goals and Life Stages for thinking in that direction while keeping in mind these end goals should be V.A.L.U.E.S. based - check out that article too - because both articles can begin to teach you to think about the future and paint a picture of what you want your life to look like 5, 10, 15, and 20+ years from now. You will need to develop a Life's Roadmap based on V.A.L.U.E.S. which is essential and should provide you direction. From there, you will want to identify milestones or building blocks that will help you reach your goals then create an inventory of supporting activities to accomplish each milestone. The inventory should include any major obstacles and/or skills and knowledge gaps which in turn become your laundry list for realizing your full potential.
I know you are a mover and shaker with only so many hours to dedicate to personal growth and because you want to maximize your time and cycles, start with those learning opportunities that provide either the highest rate of return or those items that you will need to learn to overcome a roadblock. It really is just that simple for figuring out what to work on for learning; as far as how to learn – this is a much larger scope. I’ll cover a few ways below.
1. Reading, research, seeking out education, attending conferences & events, fostering key relationships, hiring a personal coach, practicing, and perfecting.
2. Stretch out of your comfort zone to put into practice areas of focus.
3. Review, reflect, and refine in your mind all your immediate learning experiences and/or interactions.
4. Search for support – can someone you trust provide candid feedback on your progress and areas of improvement?
These are just a few suggestions that can help to develop skills and knowledge. It’s not an exhaustive list. Above all, drawing out and realizing your fullest potential will take diligence, persistence, and commitment but will pay off in dividends. It is worth the effort and is a life-long process to a Total Win destination.
In summary and not to be forgotten, you are endowed with the seeds of greatness and potential beyond measure! My hopes and prayers are that you have many, many years to accomplish your goals and fulfill your God-given potential.
While the potential is our gift, fulfilling it is our thanks and ultimately our mark on the world.
What lies in the gap between potential and fulfillment is realizing intently.
In order to know where your focus should lie, develop a Roadmap and a bucket list of goals aligned to your vision and purpose. Organize your self-development journey by priority then execute and refine, as necessary. Make sure you engage support and celebrate accomplishment. Then set your sites on the new or regroup, refocus and recycle if needed through any learning not yet complete. Most of all believe in yourself! Practice makes perfect and learning is a process.
Total Win Strategies is always available to help you in creating a plan for self-development, inventorying your bucket list of goals, and creating a Roadmap.
Our mission at Total Win Strategies, LLC is to offer pragmatic solutions to overcome obstacles that have held you back. By implementing our 4 Disciplines for Actualization, we help you heal, explore, realize, and execute your God-given purpose, with tools tailored and structured specifically for you and to your destination of LIVING LIMITLESSLY on purpose with passion to leave a legacy.