"Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone." ~ Billy Cox
“There are only two true states in nature, green and growing or ripe and rotten, choose which you wish to be.” ~ Tony Wilson
What great quotes! Dreams, goals, limitless living, no matter what you call it, these are the things that give us hope, impassion our lives, and where we envision, create, and achieve! While you may (or some may not) know exactly what you want to accomplish you may not have everything you need to accomplish it. You may look at where you want to be from the vantage point of where you are and be fazed by the rift but here’s the good news, you can make a plan that focuses on closing the gaps to get you there no matter the area or amount of expansion! I’m really excited to discuss how we can identify the gaps and then discuss the tactical ways you can close them which I hope reassures you directly and reaffirms that you can achieve anything to which you set your mind. Remember that growth happens when you stretch yourself and if you aren’t growing, you’re rotting. How about that visual for you! Let’s go.
I cover general ways for self-development or “Tactical Steps for Realizing Intently” in a previous article HERE. In this article, our starting position is with a specific destination in mind meaning you already have a documented goal of what you want to achieve. I hope that goal is written in S.M.A.R.T. form. The first step in identifying the self-development prerequisites and support needs will be to breakdown into a list the work it will take to accomplish the overarching goal. Then you will analyze each line of your work breakdown list to understand the support requirements needed to fulfill each line of work. Then you’ll scrutinize each line item to discover then document the tactical ways you can close the gaps.
Let’s look at an example of this process in action.
My goal in this example is S.M.A.R.T. - I would like to open an LLC in Texas by the end of this year, 12/31/22. You can see this is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound.
My initial list will consist of doing the research for the steps it takes to open an LLC in Texas. I’ll do internet research to find a website, a YouTube video, a book, or a person I can consult to get a complete list of steps or a “work breakdown” of what it will take to accomplish my overarching goal. The key to making this list is that every essential task, every item to do, is captured on this list. There is likely an associated sequential order some tasks will need to fall in to and most importantly you’ll want to have a “Date of Completion” by every task. This is where accountability comes into play. Then you will analyze each line and what’s needed to complete each line. Then you’ll scrutinize each line item to discover then document the tactical ways you can close the gaps.
Here's something you can use to organize yourself:

I truly hope this has inspired you to act. Remember, you can accomplish all that your heart desires, all it takes is a plan! I pray that you're better prepared to identify the gaps and plan for yourself those tactical ways you can close them which I hope reassures and reaffirms that you can achieve anything to which you set your mind.
Our mission at Total Win Strategies, LLC is to offer pragmatic solutions to overcome obstacles that have held you back. By implementing our 4 Disciplines for Actualization, we help you heal, explore, realize, and execute your God-given purpose with tools tailored and structured specifically for you and to your destination of LIVING LIMITLESSLY on purpose with passion to leave a legacy.
Whatever stage you find yourself in, you can meet with a life strategist to help you identify and release the constraints keeping you from LIVING LIMITLESSLY.