“Living Limitlessly which is living with the belief, health, and self-discipline that enables you to accomplish anything your imagination can envision for yourself without regard to debilitating fear or self-imposed limitations. Let’s break this down.”
~Total Win Strategies
In this article I want to communicate to you what “Living Limitlessly” looks like and how each one of us are entitled to it and therefore able to attain it. This is an article filled with faith and encouragement to you and for you. I want us to start with knowing that there is something greater than us and if you have read the previous article entitled, “Realizing Intently” you will know that Zig Ziglar said “Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”
I believe that with every fiber of my being. We all have the seeds of greatness within and are placed on this earth with a specific role to fulfill in this physical dimension we know as reality. Let’s get to it.
First stop is the definition of Living Limitlessly which is living with the belief, health, and self-discipline that enables you to accomplish anything your imagination can envision for yourself without regard to debilitating fear or self-imposed limitations. Let’s break this down.
Living is more than the condition of being alive, living in this context is the way you conduct your everyday life. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, there are rungs of life in which we live and climb that are dependent on the past experiences and life situations we find ourselves in. There are deficiency situations in which the focus is on basic physiological and/or emotional security. Then there are growth situations where you are ultimately focused on becoming your highest and best self. It is not uncommon to move higher and lower through the Hierarchy throughout our lives but in the end we’ll want to be our most self-actualized selves or our best most evolved highest self.
To experience all that has been destined for you to accomplish, the living method you should ascribe to daily should be that of becoming the best and highest version of yourself until the last breath on earth. This is knowing your greatest accomplishments lie ahead of you and living with the hope that awareness brings.
When you pair that manner of living with limitlessly, meaning without bounds, restraints, or confinement, I hope you’ll begin to embrace your true purpose in life which is to discover yourself by using your experiences, your gifts, your personality, and your God-given potential to envision then create a legacy that edifies those within your influence. To boil it down we are expected to leave the world better then we found it. This is possible for each one of us – for YOU - because each of us “was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” I want you to believe and hold the conviction that YOU are worthy and able to be in good health (emotionally and physically) and strong discipline such that you can accomplish any desire of your heart if you can envision it.
At this point, it’s important to remind you about God’s love for YOU. Israel Houghton has an amazing song with words about the type of love He has for you it’s the “overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God”. He has hopes for you, He wishes above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. He came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. He has commanded the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. The best version of you walks with God daily. He has built you for a destiny. He wants that you think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, and virtuous. He wants you to know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and ultimately, He supplies all your needs. You must give your trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will even direct your path. He has a goal of giving you sufficiency in all things and finally, He has great pleasure in your prosperity. I pray by now you see how precious you are and how He carefully knit you together, with intention and purpose to do and accomplish thus when we accept the challenge, act in boldness He will bless your work and make you to prosper from it in many ways, not just monetarily.
So you see, with His great support, with an appreciation of how specially you are made, with a clear vision of how your legacy will be built and remembered then you can and will embrace the Limitless Living with which you are entitled. The process starts with Healing Wholly and setting a foundation for growing, it moves to Exploring Deeply who you are and what you were uniquely created to accomplish, then on to Realizing Intently with personal development that closes the gap on knowledge or shortcomings, and finally creating a plan to accomplish then Executing Intentionally every single day. I hope you have full knowledge of what “Living Limitlessly” looks like and believe with conviction that YOU are entitled to it and therefore able to attain it. I pray this article bolstered your faith and encouraged you.